Holisan, The Explanation of Herbs in Relation to the Shukra / Artava Vaha Srotas

De Ayurvedische uitleg van de 13 Srotas.

This lecture shall be on the Shukra/ Artava Vaha Srotas (The channels that carry Shukra (semen) and Artava (menstruation) and will cover the following points:

- Male and female sexual related issues
- Menstrual disorders
- Reproductive health

Naveen Gupta, an Ayurvedic Physician, born, brought up and qualified in India, now practicing as an Holistic Therapist and Lecturer in Europe will present an in-depth overview on Ayurveda: Nutrition, Lifestyle, Herbs and Therapies to combat Obesity.

Deze lezing is in het Engels!

This lecture will be in ENGLISH.

Docent:    Naveen Gupta
Prijs:        € 15,-
Datum:    Zaterdag 29 juni 2019
Tijden:    10:00 uur – 17:00 uur
Locatie:   Holisan BV, Merwede 30, 8226 NA Lelystad

- Koffie, thee en een lichte lunch zijn inbegrepen.

- Coffee, tea and a light lunch are included.