Ayurvedische benadering van Ojas & Prana in auto-immuunaandoeningen (o.a. HIV & AIDS)

Ayurvedische benadering van Ojas & Prana in auto-immuunaandoeningen (o.a. HIV & AIDS)

This lecture will highlight an interesting and remarkable description of AIDS known as ‘Bala Kshaya and Ojas Kshaya’ in Ayurveda.

Ayurveda can help in preventing AIDS by strengthening the body's defence system by incorporating Ayurvedic principles of nutrition, lifestyle, use of single herbs, sacred Ayurvedic complex preparations and tonics known as ‘Jeevaniya Rasayana’ and a supplementary code of conduct called as ‘Achara Rasayana’.

Follow the news (in your browser) published in national print media about a talk delivered by Prof. Dr. Naveen Gupta in year 2002: Article in The Times of India.

Please note that basic understanding of Ayurveda is required as the Ayurveda terminology and clinical terms will be used in the discussion.

This lecture will be in ENGLISH.
Deze lezing is in het ENGELS.

Voorwaarde voor deelname: Lezing bedoeld voor artsen, therapeuten, diëtisten, medisch en paramedisch personeel. Basiskennis Ayurveda gewenst.